
Escape the Zoo: Conservation and Optimism

2021-12-29T17:16:12+00:00By |

A few weeks ago it was my pleasure to talk all things conservation and optimism with Dan Clarke who runs a great long form podcast series called 'Escape the Zoo'. Despite having done a few podcasts recently, I don't know much about actually presenting and processing a podcast - so I was immediately impressed by the big shiny microphone hanging infront of Dan when we connected in skype. He clearly means business!

Five of the Strongest Arguments Against Zoos

2021-12-30T12:03:34+00:00By |

A while ago I wrote an article about some of the good things zoos do for conservation. Now I hadn't realized how vehemently some people hated zoos (and sadly, how afraid many great zoos are about sticking up for their work). Suddenly, it became one of my most read articles.

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