James Borrell is a biodiversity scientist and science communicator researching how people and nature can adapt to environmental change.

A Bird’s Eye View of Northern Tanzania

Earlier in the year, we spent a month or so driving across Tanzania. We were looking (largely unsuccessfully!) for vultures – but that’s a story for another time. Along the way, we had a friend join us to film a little part of our journey.

With a few gadgets and a little bit of wizardry he was able to put together some incredible footage that really captures, for us, the best parts of Tanzania. If you’ve ever wondered what a couple of decent cameras and a small drone can do for conservation, then perhaps this is a good start. Perhaps by showing folks the beauty of the natural world, they’ll be encouraged to experience it themselves and therefore want to conserve it too?

Certainly, not everyone agrees, but Tanzania is taking a pretty bold approach to monetizing (and cashing in!) on it’s natural heritage, it’s worth supporting.

Hopefully this video shows why.

For more about our journey, take a look at the Africa Overland Series.