James Borrell is a biodiversity scientist and science communicator researching how people and nature can adapt to environmental change.

Escape the Zoo: Conservation and Optimism

The rabbit warren of securing research funding has meant I largely neglected science communication for the past few months. Writing well is hard, writing articles people will actually read is even harder! So it’s wonderful when nice people do a lot of the hard work for you, thanks Dan.

A few weeks ago it was my pleasure to talk all things conservation and optimism with Dan Clarke who runs a great long form podcast series called ‘Escape the Zoo‘. Despite having done a few podcasts recently, I don’t know much about actually presenting and processing a podcast – so I was immediately impressed by the big shiny microphone hanging infront of Dan when we connected in skype. He clearly means business!

It was even more exciting, that after he intereviewd me, Dan spoke to one of my all time heros –Jeremy Hance, of Mongabay fame. If you don’t know what a Solenodon is, then listen to Jeremy first!

If you have an appetite for more, then here’s a link to download my podcast, and many more!

Download the Podcast: HERE

Super Attention to Detail:

It’s also worth noting, just for a moment, how awesomely thoroughly Dan has followed up, and linked to, all of the topics I mentioned. See below! Now, if only more media was like this…

Sources for topics discussed:
Lost and Found Nature: https://bit.ly/2yvnS6C
Joe Rogan Podcast: https://bit.ly/1uyQQHd
Trophy Documentary: http://trophy.film/
Toxoplasma Animation: https://bit.ly/2q3M7nO
Mark Scherz Taxonomist: http://www.markscherz.com/
Chytrid fungus: https://bit.ly/1Hqs2bT
The Sixth Extinction by Elizabeth Kolbert: https://amzn.to/2tIFgTB
Enset Ethiopian crop: https://bit.ly/2dOQPzG
Spris Ethiopian drink: https://bit.ly/2Pgl32Q
Shawn Heinrichs: http://www.shawnheinrichs.com/
Indonesia fishing village success story for manta rays: https://bit.ly/2JGfW6e
Paul Hilton: http://www.paulhiltonphotography.com/
Racing Extinction: https://racingextinction.com/
Coyote Peterson: https://bit.ly/2duLEWI
Anthony Bourdain’s Parts Unknown in Madagascar: https://cnn.it/2OFH4bV
Cheetah Conservation Fund: https://cheetah.org/
Elephant Bee Fences: http://elephantsandbees.com/
Elephant chili dung: https://wwf.to/2ySTjay
Wild Hope by Andrew Balmford: https://bit.ly/2OJ8gXl
End of the Line documentary: https://imdb.to/2R4fzWa
Human Planet BBC: https://bbc.in/2IT57xs
Conservation Optimism: https://conservationoptimism.org/

P. S. The picture of the dude with the tiny chameleon is actually my good pal Lawrence Ball, he’s better looking, but we get mixed up a lot – mainly because we’ve worked together so much that he’s plastered all over this website. Check him out…