Are we causing the 6th Mass Extinction Event?
A podcast interview with Radio Wolfgang.
A podcast interview with Radio Wolfgang.
At the opposite end of the spectrum to Blue Planet II, which indulges us all in precisely the guilt-free natural world we love, films like 'Trophy' set out to challenge our views, disagree with us, and make us uncomfortable. I love it.
A huge bugbear among many aspiring conservationists, is that most interesting conservation jobs and roles require experience. To get experience, you often need some previous experience.. and so it goes on and on until, eventually, you get lucky.
I still find it amazing in the 21st century, with Iphones, curved LCD TVs and 3D printers that species can still slip to extinction.
If you could bring one species back from extinction, what would be it?
Sometimes the most important things to say can be made so obvious, that they don't need to be said
If you're alive now (and you are), then you're alive at just about the most important time in human history for conservation.
I really can't believe we have come this far, and we haven't even set foot in Madagascar yet.
Photography is an incredibly important tool in conservation. You can have all the data and research papers in the world, but unless you inspire action then conservation will remain an uphill struggle.
All the best made plans rapidly unravel whenever you put scientists into the field, and here's how.
It's hard enough to get wildlife and conservation on TV, let alone have enough time to show just how complicated it is.
One interpretation of the term 'conservation', is to keep things the same as they are. This, I would argue, is precisely the last thing that we need to reach the lofty goal of a healthy and sustainable natural world.